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Nature Theater of Oklahoma

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Friday, October 4, 2013
- | Elebash Lobby

This event will take place on Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4.

OK Radio

Photos courtesy of the artists

Photos courtesy of the artists

Nature Theater of Oklahoma has launched their own OK Radio podcast: long form conversations in the spirit of the radio conversations of John Cage and Morton Feldman. Listen in as they talk with artists, curators, and instigators from around the world. Nothing is off limits.

Artist Statement: OK Radio was a project we began in 2012 as a way to ground ourselves and our work locally, as we were touring. We were always in town for a week and then on to the next place, and we just felt so disconnected — both from our home in NY and from the local art scene wherever we were playing, so OK Radio became a place where we could connect, and I think it’s become a connecting place for many others, as well.

About Nature Theater of Oklahoma: Nature Theater of Oklahoma is an award-winning New York art and performance group under the direction of Pavol Liska and Kelly Copper. Since Poetics: a ballet brut, our first dance piece created as an ensemble, Nature Theater of Oklahoma has been devoted to making the work we don’t know how to make, putting ourselves in impossible situations, and working from out of our own ignorance and unease. We strive to create an unsettling live situation that demands total presence from everyone in the room. We use the readymade material around us, found space, overheard speech, and observed gesture, and through extreme formal manipulation, and superhuman effort, we affect in our work a shift in the perception of everyday reality that extends beyond the site of performance and into the world in which we live.

Upcoming for OK Radio: OK Radio is available for free, year round, 24-7 at www.okradio.org and also on iTunes. There are over 70 conversations currently available with artists and curators from around the world, including William Forsythe, Jonathan Meese, Anna Teresa deKeersmaeker, Kate Valk, and Reggie Watts. More episodes are on their way, so stay tuned.


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